The Rebirth of the QR Code

QR codes are back in a big way, and not just for restaurant menus. You may have seen them in apps, on receipts, flyers, brochures, posters, and billboards recently. Even aspiring DJs have been seen handing out cards with a QR code link to their mixtape instead of hard copies. Repopularized as part of a […]

Pinterest Receives MRC Accreditation

The MRC (Media Rating Council) is an organization that audits and ensures that measurements in the media industry are valid, reliable, and effective across the different forms of available media, including digital. In short, the MRC evaluates the measurements a given media platform provides (like impressions or video watches) to make sure that the mechanics […]

How Google’s New Privacy Updates Affect Digital Marketing

Update June 2021: The rollout has been pushed back to 2023. Since these changes are so major, more time is needed to make sure the solutions are the right ones. Testing will begin again in 2022. — FLoC, or Federated Learning of Cohorts, is a part of Google’s Privacy Sandbox project to increase privacy for […]