And The Winner Is… Home is Where the Beat Drops, Agency FIFTY3

We have some big news! We’re wrapping up 2022 with a portfolio full of new brand designs and campaigns, completed projects with some old and new clients, and… a brand new award to add to our collection! Our student housing campaign, Home is Where the Beat Drops, in collaboration with Cardinal Group Management is the […]

Facebook Is Removing One of Its Key Audiences For Use in Housing Campaigns

Facebook recently announced that it would be eliminating certain targeting options for housing, including Special Ad Audiences (SAA). The move comes as the company faces increasing pressure to comply with fair housing laws. While Facebook has long allowed advertisers to target users based on interests and demographics, the SAA feature allowed advertisers to target new […]

How Google’s New Privacy Updates Affect Digital Marketing

Update June 2021: The rollout has been pushed back to 2023. Since these changes are so major, more time is needed to make sure the solutions are the right ones. Testing will begin again in 2022. — FLoC, or Federated Learning of Cohorts, is a part of Google’s Privacy Sandbox project to increase privacy for […]